Friday, July 25, 2014

Just temporary...

When I started this new life of mine I didn't even realize how gypsy-like I really was until my friends started telling me. I didn't even start having good friends until I moved away from what was familiar and safe... Twelve hours away to be exact and straight down here to the south. There is something different down here for me and it is where I felt I needed to be for now. It's starting to get easier to be freed up .. No mortgage, no car payment, no husband, just some rent and very few bills, oh and my youngest son Dylan is on this leg of the journey with me to. That helps. He's an old soul and sometimes when mama doesn't know what  to do or is having a meltdown, he is there with advice or just plain straight-up words of wisdom and he's usually right.. I have to laugh about that sometimes an 18 -year -old telling his freaked-out mama what to do next, but I've never been on my own before and it's tough sometimes finding solid ground.
Thats it, simple right?  Seems like it but I still want a beautiful home and a new car but in just the right place, with the right amount of money ...and with just the right man. No settling for me anymore. I keep my big-girl boots on, dust myself off from time to time and continue on. Some day this will  all happen for me, for now though I am where I am at the moment.. and it is what it is.. just temporary.